Yes! Grew up with Morgans and now have retired with Morgans. One delight of Tolkien's writing is that he gets the horses right, or if they do something fantastical there is a reason for it.
Yes, another horse lover here! I was especially obsessed as a little girl. I used to check out books of breeds from the library and sit on the floor and copy the pictures. Growing up in Hawaii, it was a little challenging to be around actual horses often but I was able to have riding lessons for a short time in middle school. Very fun to see these pictures. Also, shoutout to the “Horse Girls of Middle-earth” episode of Queer Lodgings podcast, that was a fun one.
Of course. I had Arabians while in grad school.
Wonderful memories.
Yes! Grew up with Morgans and now have retired with Morgans. One delight of Tolkien's writing is that he gets the horses right, or if they do something fantastical there is a reason for it.
Retiring with Morgans sound fantastic. And yes, the rightness of the horses (BILL THE PONY!!!!!) is amazing.
Yes, another horse lover here! I was especially obsessed as a little girl. I used to check out books of breeds from the library and sit on the floor and copy the pictures. Growing up in Hawaii, it was a little challenging to be around actual horses often but I was able to have riding lessons for a short time in middle school. Very fun to see these pictures. Also, shoutout to the “Horse Girls of Middle-earth” episode of Queer Lodgings podcast, that was a fun one.